JAKARTA - The Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) will hold an Isbat Determination Session 1 Syawal 1445 H or Eid al-Fitr at the HM Auditorium. Rasjidi, the Office of the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia, Jalan MH Thamrin, Jakarta, Tuesday, April 9, 2024. The Director General of Islamic Community Guidance, Kamaruddin Amin said the trial would be held behind closed doors, and attended by Commission VIII of the DPR RI, the ambassador of friendly countries, representatives of Islamic mass organizations, and the Hisab Rukyat Team of the Ministry of Religion. "As usual, the initial Syawal isbat session is always held on 29 Ramadan. This year, coinciding with 9 April 2024," said Kamarudddin in his statement in Jakarta, Thursday. The isbat session will begin with the Hilal Position Administrative Seminar by the Ministry of Religion's Hisab Team. Based on historical data, ijtimak occurred on Tuesday, 29 Ramadan 1445 H / 9 April 2024 AD, at around 01.20 WIB. At sunset, the height of the Hilal throughout Indonesia was above the horizon between 4 deg 52.71' to 7 deg 37.84' and the elongation angle of 8 deg 23.68' to 10 deg 12.94'. Based on MABIMS (Minister of Religion of Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore), the hilal position in question has met the hilal visibility criterion (Imkanur Rukyat), namely the height of the hilal of 3 degrees and the elongation angle of 6.4 degrees. That is, Eid al-Fitr falls at the next day.

Kementerian Agama, kata Kamaruddin, juga akan melakukan pemantauan hilal atau rukyatul hilal di berbagai provinsi. Pemantauan dilakukan di 120 titik di seluruh Indonesia. Hasil hisab dan rukyatul hilal ini akan dibahas dan ditetapkan dalam sidang isbat.

"So when is Eid al-Fitr, we are still waiting for the decision of the trial. The results will be announced openly through a press conference," he said. Kamaruddin explained that the implementation of the trial isbat is a formal determination in accordance with the law. The legal basis for the trial isbat is stated in Article 52 A of Law Number 3 of 2006 concerning Amendments to Law Number 7 of 1989 concerning Religious Justices. The article states that the Religious Court provides an isbat of the testimony of rukyat hilal in determining the beginning of the month in the hijri. "Although everyone already knows the position of the hilal, but the trial must still be held, because the trial in addition to the formal determination forum, as well as gathering forums and literacy," he said.

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