JAKARTA - Secretary General of the Gibran Center, Roy Marjuk, highlighted the statement by Professor of Philosophy STF Driyarkara, Franz Magnis Suseno or Father Magnis who said that a president is like the leader of a mafia organization if he uses his power only to benefit certain parties.

This statement was made by Father Magnis when presented as an expert by the Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud MD camp in a follow-up hearing on the dispute over the 2024 presidential election results (Pilpres) at the Constitutional Court, Tuesday, April 2. Roy praised Father Magnis' statement because he did not mention 'presidents like mafia leaders' as President Jokowi. Because according to him, Father Magnis knows that Jokowi is not the President in question. "Romo Magnis is well aware that Jokowi is a President who uses himself and his family solely for the nation and state," said Roy Marjuk to reporters, Wednesday, April 3.

Therefore, Roy hopes that all related parties in the middle of the ongoing process at the Constitutional Court will not mispercept. Both the clerks, judges and rival camps did not make Father Magnis' testimony into a hot ball by justifying that the president in question was Jokowi. "Don't think Romo Magnis is present to defend one side and blame the other. Even though he came as an expert witness who was asked by the 03 camp, Father Magnis is our teacher. He is present at the Constitutional Court for the sake of the nation and state as President Jokowi is sincere in eating whatever he has, including handing over his son to the people of Indonesia," said Roy. According to Roy, President Jokowi and Father Magnis are two gems owned by the Indonesian nation. Because both of them are figures who are on the same rail and cannot be cross-legged. "On the contrary, Father Magnis supports President Jokowi's leadership and, Jokowi also respects Father Magnis, said Roy Marjuk. Previously, Father Magnis called a president like the leader of a mafia organization if he used his power only to benefit certain parties when presented as experts by the Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud MD camp in the continued hearing of the 2024 presidential election dispute at the Constitutional Court, Tuesday, April 2.

"Wearing power to benefit certain parties makes the president look like the head of a mafia organization. The president is the ruler over all people who must be aware that his responsibility is the safety of the entire nation, so he cannot use power for personal gain and his family," said Father Magnis. "A president must belong to all, not only those who choose him. Even if he is, for example, from one party, once he becomes president, all his actions must be for the sake of the safety of all," he continued.

Quoting philosopher Immanuel Kant, Romi Magnis also mentioned that the public will obey the government if they act on the basis of applicable law. "If the authorities act not on the basis of law and not in the interests of the entire community, but instead use their power to benefit groups, friends, their own families, the motivation of the community to obey the law will be lost. As a result, the law in society is no longer safe, the state of law will decline into a state of power and similar to the territory of mafia rule," explained Father Magnis.

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