The Cianjur Police Narcotics Unit, West Java, arrested a drug dealer on behalf of Dandi Santoso (25), a supplier of methamphetamine into the Class IIB Cianjur Prison which was smuggled in sandals, from the hands of the perpetrators 30 grams of evidence of methamphetamine was secured.

Kasat Narkoba Polres Cianjur AKP Septian Pratama di Cianjur Rabu, mengatakan setelah melakukan pemeriksaan terhadap tiga orang penjara yang menerima sabu di dalam lapas, pihaknya mendapat identitas pelaku dealer yang datang ke lapas.

"We pocketed the name of the perpetrator, Dandi, of the inmates who received the methamphetamine that was smuggled in sandals, then we distributed members to arrest the perpetrators," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, April 3.

Dandi was arrested on Jalan Raya Cianjur-Cipanas with evidence of methamphetamine packages in his pants pocket, after the development of officers escorting the perpetrators to his boarding house in Sukaluyu District, where methamphetamine we found weighing 30 grams.

"For his actions, Dandi was charged with Pasat 112 and Article 114 paragraph 1 of the Republic of Indonesia Law number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics with a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison," he said.

Not only Dandi, he said, his party is also still hunting for another perpetrator with the initials L who had done the same thing to smuggle drugs in sandals to Cianjur Prison for three inmates a few days ago.

"We are still hunting for L, who last entered the prison to send a package of methamphetamine weighing 10 grams, L is on the Cianjur Police Wanted List," he said.

It was previously reported that the Class IIB Cianjur Prison thwarted the efforts of the inmates who wanted to smuggle packages of methamphetamine and illegal drugs into prisons by hiding them in sandals to trick the officers.

Head of the Cianjur Muarif Prison Security Unit (KPLP), said the smuggling was revealed when an inmate on behalf of Rian entered the visiting room, but after receiving the guest he seemed nervous.

"His movements were suspicious, so the officers continued to monitor him, after receiving guests in Rian's visiting room, he did not return to his cell but went back and forth in front of the visiting room, so the officers' suspicions were getting stronger," he said.

The officer also found irregularities when he noticed that the sandals worn before entering the besuk room were different from the one he was wearing when he left, so the officers immediately checked the perpetrators who were known to have changed sandals with the visitors.

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