JAKARTA - Chairman of the Indonesian General Elections Commission (KPU) Hasyim Asy'ari asked the panel of judges at the Constitutional Court (MK) to thank the voting Organizing Group (KPPS) officers.

Hasyim felt the need to be grateful because KPPS was willing to carry out its duties to upload data on the C1 form. The results or vote acquisition at each polling station to the Sirekap application.

Uploading C1 photos. This result is carried out by KPPS through their respective personal cellphones and is not facilitated by the state budget.

"We thank KPPS members who have participated and are willing to lend their cellphones for the state's needs because the state has not been able to buy KPPS cellphones to carry out Sirekap," said Hasyim at the Constitutional Court hearing, Wednesday, April 3.

In today's trial, Sirekap's data card was one of the petitioners' arguments to explain the KPU. The KPU expert who brought in explained that the vote acquisition error to Sirekap was caused by the low quality of the TPS officer's camera resolution. Thus, it is difficult to read in the system.

In addition, the KPU also expressed its gratitude to ITB academics who were involved in the development and management of Sirekap data.

"We thank you for providing support for Sirekap technology in the election," said Hasyim.

The Constitutional Court (MK) again held a follow-up hearing in the General Election Results Presence (PHPU) trial, today. The agenda is the examination of witnesses and evidence from the General Elections Commission (KPU) and the Election Supervisory Body (Baswaslu) as the respondent.

At this trial, the KPU presented one expert, namely Prof. Marsudi Wahyu Kisworo. Then, there were two witnesses, namely Yudistira Dwi Wardhana Asnar who is the developer of Sirekap ITB and Andre Putra Hermawan as the KPU Pusdatin.

Meanwhile, Bawaslu is said to have presented one expert, namely Prof. Muhammad Alhamid, who is a Professor of the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences, Hassanudin University. He also served as Chairman of the Indonesian Bawaslu for the 2012-2017 period.

Then, for witnesses, Bawaslu appointed seven people. They include Iji Jaelani, Hari Dermanto, Nur Kholiq, Sakhroji, Zacky M Zamzam, Umi Illiyina, and Bardul Munir. The witnesses are Indonesian Bawaslu experts and provincial Bawaslu commissioners.

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