JAKARTA - The General Chairperson of the Golkar Party, Airlangga Hartarto, gave gifts worth Rp. 150,000 per package to free homecoming participants at the Golkar Party DPP Office, Jalan Anggrek Neli Murni, Slipi, West Jakarta, Wednesday, April 3. The parcel contains rice, cooking oil, sugar, tea and biscuits. Golkar also provided cash assistance. Airlangga said that his party deliberately held a free homecoming earlier to reduce the density of homecoming flows ahead of Eid Al-Fitr 2024. It is known, the government also gave discounts on a number of toll roads by 20 percent. "Utilizing time to avoid traffic jams. So I hope that today's homecoming today is earlier, a week earlier homecoming, so that it can enjoy infrastructure that has been built by the toll road government," said Airlangga in his remarks, Wednesday, April 3. In this time, the Golkar Party provides 20 units of buses with a passenger capacity of around 40-50 people per bus. So that the total number of travelers dispatched reaches 800 to 1000 people. "Currently, there are 20 buses with 1,000 people with destination areas are Jogja, Klaten, Gunung Kidul, Solo, Wonogiri, Madura and Kaur from Bengkulu Province," explained Airlangga. The details are for Solo 5 units, Klaten 2 units, Klaten-Solo-Wonogiri 2 units, Yogyakarta 3 units, Gunung Kidul 3 units, Bengkulu 3 units, and Madura 2 units. "Of course I hope that all people who participate in the free homecoming run safely, are healthy, arriving at their respective destinations. And also meet their respective families," said the Coordinating Minister for the Economy.

After the speech, Airlangga then gave a gift symbolically and also greeted the travelers who had sat on their respective bus destinations. At around 10.15 WIB, Airlangga officially released 20 units of the homecomers' buses marked by the flag flying of the Golkar Party.

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