Minister of PUPR Basuki Hadimuljono said the new president would be sworn in in the State Capital (IKN) of the Archipelago in East Kalimantan. In addition to the inauguration of the new president, the ceremony to commemorate the 79th Indonesian Independence Day will also be held at IKN.

"(Warning, red) August 17, the ceremony is planned to be there (IKN). The inauguration of the president, God willing, will also be there (IKN)," said Basuki at the DPR building, Senayan, Jakarta, Tuesday, April 2.

Basuki again emphasized that there is a plan to inaugurate the president for the 2024-2029 period at IKN.

"That's the plan. Inauguration of the president is planned there," he said.

Even so, Basuki said, President Jokowi's state speech would still be held at the State Palace, Jakarta.

"Maybe the state speech is still here," he said.

It is known that the DPR has just passed the Jakarta Special Region Law (DKJ). The regulation regulates the status of Jakarta, which is no longer the nation's capital, but is a special area.

The transition of the status of the capital city of Jakarta to IKN is now awaiting Presidential Decree (Keppres) Jokowi. However, Jokowi has not signed the Presidential Decree until now.

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