TANGERANG - Police have named DN as a suspect in the murder case of Resy Ariska (43) on Jalan Borobudur, Kelapa Dua, Tangerang Regency, Monday morning, April 1. DN is a woman carrying a sharp weapon of the type of sword that was placed in her car.

Kelapa Dua Police Chief Kompol Stanlly Soselisa said DN's motive for committing the murder was because he was hurt by Resy's words.

"It hurts and is offended because it is said T*I (impurity-ed)," Stanlly told reporters at the Kelapa Dua Police, Tuesday, April 2.

Stanlly explained that the incident began when the perpetrator arrived at a clothing store which was guarded by the victim. The perpetrator DN entered using sandals, even though at that time the shop floor was being cleaned by Resy. Suddenly the victim was upset and said harsh words that offended DN.

"At that time the suspect heard" Tahi. Then with the insult made the suspect offended, and came back to the victim asking what the victim said," he said.

"The suspect quarreled until there was a verbal argument and a scratch occurred," he continued.

Witness Radit, who was around the location, separated the quarrel. The perpetrator did not accept and got into the car to take the sword he was carrying.

Then stabbed the victim in the stomach and hit the left side, under the victim's breast. The victim was covered in blood running in front of the shop and then fell in front of his shop," he said.

After the incident, the perpetrator got into a white Toyota Yaris car and fled avoiding the tantrums of the masses. Meanwhile, the victim was rushed to the Tangerang District Hospital.

"The suspect managed to escape using the car he was driving," he said.

The police who received the information conducted an investigation and headed to the perpetrator's residence. The perpetrator when met decided to surrender.

The perpetrator DN has been detained. He was charged with Article 338 of the Criminal Code Sub 351 paragraph 3 of the Criminal Code with a threat of 15 years in prison.

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