TANGSEL - The Indonesian Television Journalists Association Coordinator of the South Tangerang Region (IJTI Korwil Tangsel) shared happiness with dozens of orphans and poor people in Pondok Aren, Monday, April 1, 2024.

The activity began with a lecture, which was continued by breaking the fast with IJTI members and 30 poor orphans, and then ending with sharing compensation.

The chairman of IJTI Korwil Tangsel, Ahmad Baihaqi, said that this is a momentum to share happiness with 30 orphans and poor people on a blessed month.

Ahmad explained that this compensation is also a form of concern for fellow television journalists to children who really need a helping hand.

"After all, they are our brothers that we have to help," he said.

Ahmad explained that the compensation contained basic necessities and cash.

"We hope that the children are happy with what we have shared," he said.

Meanwhile, a child who received compensation from Shintia (14) thanked IJTI Korwil Tangsel.

"This is very helpful, I hope you are always healthy," said Shintia.

Then, the Deputy Mayor of South Tangerang, Pilar Saga Ichsan said that his party from the South Tangerang City Government appreciated the activities of South Tangerang IJTI which had supported orphans and poor children.

"Alhamdulillah, this momentum is also in establishing a relationship between the South Tangerang City Regional Government and IJTI which has actually been around for a long time," he explained.

Pilar hopes that IJTI can become a strategic partner for the South Tangerang City government in building cities.

"IJTI continues to be a strategic partner for the South Tangerang City Government in jointly building the city of South Tangerang through the media," he concluded.

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