Chairman of Commission I of the House of Representatives, Meutya Hafid, asked the Indonesian Army to proactively record public losses related to the damage to residents' houses affected by the explosion of the Paldam Jaya Regional Munition Warehouse (Gud cheap) in Ciangsana Village, Bogor Regency.

As is known, previously, a fire with a convoy of explosions at the Paldam Jaya Regional Munition Warehouse (Gud cheap) occurred on March 30, 2024. The blackout process was declared complete at 08.49 WIB, on Sunday, March 31.

"The TNI AD must be responsible for compensating if there are losses in the community due to the fire incident," he said in an official statement, Sunday, March 31.

In addition, Meutya asked the Indonesian Army to prepare standards for handling maintenance and maintenance of defense equipment, especially those whose storage locations are in densely populated areas, as happened in Kabuaten Bogor.

Meutya also hopes that the Indonesian Army can improve this in the future, as well as carry out technical instructions regarding the maintenance and maintenance of ammunition in the TNI environment more strictly.

"The handling of this incident was carried out quickly and precisely in order to avoid more damage to TNI facilities and local residents," said Meutya.

Previously, it was reported that the big explosion that occurred at the Paldam Jaya Regional Munisi Warehouse (Gud cheap) in Ciangsana Village, Bogor Regency made civilians living not far from the location feel scared.

However, TNI Commander General Agus Subiyanto said the warehouse for expired munitions was underground, so he said it was safe. The explosion that occurred had previously been anticipated by the TNI.

"We have the SOP of subducation underground, so it's down because (the munitions) are unstable, and at any time it can explode. That's our storage SOP underground. Then there is an embankment and far from community settlements," he said in his statement to reporters, Sunday, March 31.

As a result of the explosion and fire that hit the Regional Munition Warehouse (Gud cheap), as many as 65 tons of small-caliber munitions (MKK) and large-caliber munitions (MKB) were also affected.

"So there are a total of 65 tons. So that's why the Jaya Military Command has several units. Of these units, the SOP, whose ammunition has been expired, has been returned to the Jaya Military Command, this cheap Gud is for further examination and it is verified that these steps have finally been disposal," he said.

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