JAKARTA - Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro on Sunday, March 15, was seen taking pictures with supporters and following an action in major cities. This of course drew criticism from congressional leaders for encouraging large gatherings that could exacerbate the spread of the corona virus.

Bolsonaro also ignored the advice of medical experts who advised him to take precautions after several members of the delegation recently traveling to Florida tested positive for the COVID-19 virus. Bolsonaro claimed his test results were negative after initial reports that he was positive for COVID-19.

President Bolsonaro's COVID-19 test results tested negative for the coronavirus, as did US President Donald Trump after their meeting. But the newspaper O Estado de S. Paulo reported that Bolsonaro's medical team had advised him to remain in isolation until early next week.

The newspaper also reported on Sunday that a seventh member of Bolsonaro's entourage in Florida tested positive for the coronavirus, along with four other members of the travel support team.

Bolsonaro walked down the steps of the presidential palace wearing Brazilian football shirts and met many of the protesters at the gate, where he made a fist greeting with the protesters and grabbed a cell phone to take photos and leaned against the crowd.

In a streaming video from his official Facebook account, Bolsonaro said the moment to meet his many supporters was "priceless". Regrettably, Bolsonaro did not discuss the threat of COVID-19 to his supporters during his speech.

"This is very valuable. We politicians must change Brazil's destiny, ”said Bolonsaro.

Quoted in The Guardian, Monday, March 16, 2020, Bolsonaro also recently presented COVID-19 as a media "fantasy", leaving his presidential palace on Sunday to shake hands and joke with supporters who turned out to be staging highly controversial protests targeting these institutions. Brazilian democratic institution.

President Bolsonaro will be re-tested for COVID-19 this week. In Brazil itself, several senior officials have been confirmed with COVID-19, including chief communications officer Fábio Wajngarten and ambassador to the US Nestor Forster.

Major cities such as Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo have launched measures to combat COVID-19, including the closure of schools, nightclubs and cinemas.

Brazilian authorities have confirmed at least 121 cases and have advised residents to stay at home. However, this appeal seemed to be ignored by everyone. One member of the congress who supports Bolsonaro even posted a tweet mocking the COVID-19 pandemic.

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