Welcoming Lebaran Homecoming, Damri Makes Sure The Fleet Is Clean
Damri (Photo: Antara)

JAKARTA - The Damri Public Company (Perum) ensures that the entire fleet is always clean. This is to provide passenger comfort when traveling to their destination, especially during the 2024 Eid homecoming moment.

"The comfort of passengers is one of Damri's priorities in providing land transportation services. One of these is realized through the cleaning process of the entire Damri fleet which is comprehensive from exterior to interior before serving customers," said Damri Chrystian Corporate Secretary RM Pohan quoting Antara.

The process of cleaning the fleet starts from the exterior washing of the bus. Then, the bus interior is cleaned including sweeping andleting the floor, changing trash cans, replacing pillows and blankets and cleaning glass. Cleaning the fleet was carried out before the departure of the bus and after the arrival of the bus.

"We always emphasize to all crew on duty to keep the fleet clean. Everything is for the convenience of all Damri service users, including the bus crew themselves and especially customers," said Pohan.

Damri also appealed to passengers to participate in maintaining cleanliness by throwing garbage in the places provided.

"We also invite Damri passengers to participate in maintaining cleanliness by disposing of garbage in places that have been provided both at the terminal and on the bus," said Pohan.

Ahead of the Eid 2024 transportation period, Damri also carried out a feasibility test (ramp check) starting March 13-28, 2024 for all fleet units.

The ramp check was carried out to ensure that Damri's performance and quality of transportation services met the expectations of the community when traveling back and forth. All aspects ranging from quality control (QC) and quality assurance (QA) are confirmed to be in prime condition.

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