JAKARTA - Construction and investment BUMN, PT PP (Persero) Tbk (PTPP) has signed a cooperation agreement contract in the construction of Package I Mandalika Urban and Tourism Infrastructure Project (MUTIP), West Nusa Tenggara (NTB).

The signing of the Cooperation was held on Tuesday 2 March at the Kempinski Hotel, Jakarta. The project development cooperation contract was signed by a Joint Operation (JO) company, namely: PTPP, PT Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk (WIKA), PT Bunga Raya Lestasri (BRL) represented by PTPP together with PT Pembangunan Pariwisata (Persero) ( ITDC) as the project owner.

In the signing, Bandung Sasmitoharjo as SVP of Infrastructure Division 1 PTPP represented the company in the signing of the contract, while from ITDC was represented by Abdulbar M. Mansoer as the President Director.

The signing was witnessed directly by the Managing Directors of PTPP, WIKA, and BRL as well as invited guests who attended the event. The event was also attended by Agus Purbianto as Director of Finance and Risk Management of PTPP, Yuyus Juarsa as SVP of Corporate Secretary of PTPP, along with management of ITDC, WIKA, and BRL.

Novel Arsyad as the President Director of PTPP also gave his remarks at the signing ceremony for the Mandalika project development Cooperation contract. The signing of the development cooperation contract is carried out with strict COVID-19 health protocols.

The regional infrastructure project development project worth IDR 940 billion is located in Pujut District, Central Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara Province. This project is carried out by a consortium, namely: PTPP, WIKA, and BRL where in this development PTPP is trusted by the project owner as the lead consortium in the project with a work portion of 40 percent.

The project work implementation period is targeted for 730 calendar days or 24 months and a maintenance period of one year.

"In the construction of this project, PTPP is trusted by ITDC to become the lead consortium with a work portion of 40 percent. The acquisition of the project will add to the value of PTPP's new contract in February," Novel Arsyad said in a written statement, quoted on Wednesday, March 3.

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