JAKARTA - More than 50 percent of Americans did not approve of Israel's military action in Gaza, which was a major change from last November when half of US citizens agreed, according to a new Gallup survey.

A total of 55 percent at the moment do not approve of Israel's actions, while 36 percent agree," said the poll as reported by ANTARA from Sputnik, Wednesday, March 27.

This is in contrast to a survey last November when 45 percent of US citizens did not approve of Israeli behavior and 50 percent of US citizens agreed.

The latest survey also put forward nearly three-quarters of people saying they were following the news from Gaza closely, and a third of them observed the situation very closely.

"Disapproval to Israel's military action is in line with the results, regardless of how much America pays attention to the conflict," the survey said.

"However, those who are less concerned are more likely not to have an opinion on this issue than their colleagues, thus resulting in a lower level of approval compared to people who pay greater attention. attention," the poll continued.

The three main voters have also shown less support for Israel's actions.

Republican voters continue to express their most significant support, but even their support fell from 71 percent in November to 64 percent today.

Meanwhile, 75 percent of Democratic Party members and 60 percent of independent members did not approve of Israel's military action in Gaza, according to the survey.

Only 27 percent of US citizens approved the way US President Joe Biden handled the situation in the Middle East, based on these findings.

The poll was conducted March 1-20 against 1,016 adults in 50 US states and the District of Columbia region.

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