SURABAYA - As many as 16 out of 38 districts / cities in East Java are in the yellow zone (low risk), from previously the orange zone. While the remaining 22 areas have the status of the orange zone or moderate risk.

"The first, second PPKM and PPKM Mikro produced results in suppressing the spread of COVID-19 in East Java. Alhamdulillaah, currently there are 16 areas in the yellow zone, while the remaining 22 areas are in the orange zone, and none are in the red zone," said East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa, in Surabaya, Wednesday, March 3.

There are also 16 regions, namely Malang, Mojokerto, Bangkalan, Sumenep, Sampang, Pamekasan, Pasuruan, Jember, Bondowoso, Situbondo districts. Then Lumajang, Tulungagung, Bojonegoro, Lamongan, and the Regency and City of Probolinggo. Khofifah hopes that the 16 regions can maintain the zoning.

Khofifah claimed that the change in zoning had a good impact on the implementation of PPKM. Because, he said, before the first PPKM was implemented on January 2, there were eight regions in East Java with red zone status. However, the red zone area in East Java continues to decrease, and currently there is zero red zone.

According to Khofifah, this is a form of hard work and mutual cooperation of all parties, including the government, the community and the TNI / Polri.

"Of course we are grateful for this good result. However, this zoning is not an achievement. Because zoning is a measurement tool, whether the intervention we are doing is on the right track or not," he said.

Khofifah appreciated the discipline of the community during the implementation of the first, second PPKM, and the first PPKM Micro period 9-22 February and continued until March 8. So that the status of COVID-19 in East Java has decreased significantly, when compared to before PPKM.

"Where BOR for isolation rooms and ICU COVID-19 before PPKM reached 79 percent and 72 percent. Meanwhile, when PPKM was implemented, currently BOR has decreased significantly to 37 percent for isolation rooms and 54 percent for ICU COVID-19," he said.

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