There Is No Evidence Yet, PPP Does Not Want To Comment On Hasto's Accusations About Political Operations To Reduce Party Votes
PPP Deputy Amir Uskara/DOK VOI-Nailin In Saroh

JAKARTA - PPP Deputy General Chair Amir Uskara was reluctant to comment on allegations by PDI-P Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto that there was an extraordinary political operation to reduce the votes of his party in the 2024 election.

The operation was deliberately carried out so that the political party bearing the Kaaba did not pass the four percent parliamentary threshold (PT).

"If that's the case, we don't want to comment," said Amir Uskara at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Tuesday, March 26.

The Deputy Chairperson of the MPR did not want to agree with Hasto's statement because he had not seen any evidence that led to the operation to 'turn down' the Kaaba.

"Because we have no evidence to see if it did happen," said Amir.

Previously, PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto said there was an extraordinary political operation to reduce PPP votes in the 2024 election so as not to qualify for parliament.

"This is an extraordinary political operation, which is no longer accepted by norms and ethics," said Hasto, Monday, March 25.

Political operations are based on parties who have ambitions to seize power without ethics, morals, and take legal action. "This is an opaque period for Indonesia's future direction," said Hasto.

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