YOGYAKARTA - Account users are obliged to maintain data security so that it is not misused by others. This awareness is important to improve considering that since recent times there have been cases of burglary or theft of m-banking data. Many victims admit that their balance contents were drained suddenly due to digital crimes.

Often account users are not aware of being exposed to the mode of trying to break into an account. In the digital era like today, data such as account numbers can be leaked or spread easily. If you are already trapped, make sure to immediately take handling steps to secure your account.

One of them is by moving the contents of the account balance to another account temporarily. Not only for cases that happen to your account, this method also needs to be applied if other people's accounts such as family and friends. So how do you move someone else's account balance to our account?

Sometimes there are situations where people closest to us are exposed to fraudulent or data theft modes. One of the actions that must be taken immediately is securing an account or mobile banking. To avoid losses, you should immediately move the balance or money in your account.

The burglary of the account was carried out by the perpetrator to suck up or take money. Therefore, before the perpetrator takes further action, you must immediately handle it. Transfer the balance in your account to another account for the time being, while taking care of your account data for safekeeping.

The following are steps to move other people's account balances to our accounts:

The data above is needed if the customer wants to take money from a bank account. So if you only have an account number, then someone cannot take money. Likewise in digital transactions, the verification process is very strict. The bank has implemented high level security measures to maintain customer data.

In the process of digital transactions, users must show ID data, passwords, ATM card numbers, and scan the customer's face or fingerprints. With these multiple layers of verification, customer-owned accounts are guaranteed to be safer. So the perpetrators will not easily break into just by knowing the account number.

Every account owner is asked to always be aware of all forms of fraud. If you find a fraud account number, you are advised to check it in order to maintain security. If the number is indeed the perpetrator of the fraud, you can report it to the authorities.

The following is how to check the fraud account number and report it to the government so that it can be dealt with.

The Ministry of Communication and Information Technology provides a account checking website to support digital data security efforts. People can take advantage of the security.id website to check whether the account number is fraudulent or not. Here are the steps.

After knowing that the account number examined is an act of fraud, then you can immediately report it to Kominfo. Complaints you can make through the same website, with the following steps:

Many are wondering if bank account numbers can be broken into? Several cases of crime have been found using account numbers.

This crime is committed if the owner does not set the password complicatedly. For example, passwords that are easy to read such as the use of date of birth or number sequence, it is possible that the perpetrator will easily break into. Therefore, account owners are advised to use complicated passwords and always monitor the condition of the account or mobile banking.

That's how to move someone else's account balance to our account. If you are experiencing fraud or burglary, then immediately secure the contents of your account. To avoid various forms of digital crime, make sure to create a complicated password and always monitor the condition of mobile banking. Also read how to deposit cash in Indomaret.

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