ACEH JAYA - The joint SAR team again found a corpse floating in the waters of Calang, Aceh Jaya, Aceh, Sunday, March 24. Until now. Tin SAR has found four bodies suspected of being Rohingya refugees.

The body of the fourth body was found by the joint SAR team on Sunday afternoon at around 16.14 WIB.

"The body of the man who is estimated to be 32 years old was found at a location 12 miles west of the lips of Calang Beach," said Head of Banda Aceh Basarnas, Al-Hussain.

This unidentified body has been transported by PSC ambulance to be evacuated to the Teuku Umar Regional General Hospital, Calang. The process of handing over the bodies was carried out in Batee Tutong, Panton Mankur Village, Krueng Sabee District.

The search for the bodies suspected of being Rohingya has been carried out since Saturday (23/3/2024) yesterday based on community reports. So far, four bodies have been found not far from the waters of Calang Beach.

Previously, it was known that one ship carrying dozens of ethnic Rohingya sank on Thursday (21/3/2024).

They are suspected of being Rohingya refugees who were swept away by their sinking ship. In that incident, 69 refugees on board were rescued by the joint SAR team.

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