CIANJUR - The Cianjur Regency Government, West Java, imposed social sanctions on residents in urban areas who littered and were not on time. This policy was taken after garbage piled up on a number of protocol roads.
Cianjur Regent Herman Suherman said that although the garbage transportation from the Cianjur Environmental Service (DLH) had returned to normal from 19:00 WIB and morning at 05.00 WIB, residents were prohibited from throwing garbage during the day to the Temporary Disposal Site (TPS).
"We will place officers from Satpol PP and DLH at TPS to monitor residents who violate, so social sanctions will be applied by displaying their photos on government social media accounts," he said in Cianjur, Antara, Sunday, March 24.
His party forbade residents to dispose of garbage during the day because transportation to the Mekarsari TPSA in Cikalongkulon District took a long time, so garbage transportation was only enforced twice a day.
Residents who do not have time to dispose of garbage at the polling station at that time are asked to store garbage in their respective homes until the scheduled transportation at night or in the morning. It is recorded that every day the waste produced reaches 340 tons.
"During the resulting tonnage of household waste, it rises to 600 tons per day, residents are asked to sort waste first before throwing it into the TPS, so that the waste that enters the TPSA can be reduced," he said.
The local government said he was intensifying the processing of waste together in each sub-district, as an effort to extend the life of the new TPSA so as not to quickly overcapacity in the near future, including buying waste processing equipment at TPSA Mekarasari.
"It's better to sort it first before throwing it away, if possible every time you go to the RT there is a waste bank, so that residents get income from waste, including processing waste into compost or organic fertilizer that can be used for themselves or sold," he said.
His party emphasized that in order not to be subject to social sanctions where photos will be displayed on a number of social media, residents must be on time to dispose of garbage and not litter in a number of crowded centers such as the Cianjur Square Park and Siliwangi pedestrians and other public places.
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