The joint team assigned by the Mayor of Bogor, Bima Arya to conduct an investigation to find the cause of foam in the Ciliwung River in Kedunghalang, has yielded results.

The appearance of foam in the Ciliwung River, Kedung Halang Village, was first seen by residents on Saturday, March 23 morning, which was then reported to the Ciliwung Naturalization Task Force, elements of the area and the Bogor City Environment Agency (DLH).

From the results of the investigation of the joint team consisting of the Bogor City Ciliwung Task Force, DLH, the Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP) PP, the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), North Bogor District and as well as Kelurahan, it was found that there was a transit warehouse where the raw materials for dish washing soap and clothing, on Alkesa Street, Kedunghalang Village, North Bogor District, Sunday, March 24.

"So there is just a transit warehouse, the production is at Citeureup, Bogor Regency, it is said by Ciliwung (Kedunghalang). From the initial confession that the alleged perpetrator was in that place only for testing places, if the material emits a lot of foam, it will sell for good," said the Head of Enforcement of the Bogor City Satpol PP Regional Regulation, Asep Permana.

The discovery of the transit warehouse for storing soap raw materials, which is suspected to be a source of foam in the Ciliwung River, was reinforced by the discovery of barrels containing the same gel, as found in the Ciliwung River by the Ciliwung Naturalization Task Force a few hours after foam carried by river flow to the Bogor Regency area.

Following up on the findings of the investigation, the Environment Agency then took samples from the transit warehouse, followed by the provision of a summons by the Bogor City Satpol PP.

"The sample has been taken by LH who is competent in that field. The Satpol PP gave a summons and sealed the building for further processing while waiting for the results of the lab carried out by DLH on the samples that had been taken," he said.

If proven to have violated, the perpetrators can be followed up on the basis of violating the Bogor City Regulation Number 1 of 2021 concerning Trantibum, Article 15 related to river order, waterways and water sources (paragraphs 1 and 2).

The sanctions received can be in the form of fines, termination of business activities, sealing and demolition of business premises.

However, if the results of the lab test prove that the waste is categorized as toxic hazardous waste (B3), then the perpetrators can be punished according to Law 32 of 2009 concerning Environmental Protection and Management (PPLH) which states Article 104 of the PPLH Law:

Anyone who dumps waste and/or material into the environmental media without a permit shall be punished with a maximum imprisonment of 3 years and a maximum fine of IDR 3 billion.

At the same location, the Head of the Bogor City DLH, Denni Wismanto, added that his party had taken the samples needed for laboratory tests.

"Furthermore, for the investigation, we will do a lab test first. The results are 2 weeks," he said.

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