JAKARTA - Chairman of the Indonesian People's Consultative Assembly and Deputy Chairperson of the Golkar Party, Bambang Soesatyo, attended the 2024 Indonesian Village Congress in Jakarta on Saturday, March 23, 2024.

Bamsoet, as he is familiarly called, said in his speech that the current ratio is estimated to be more people in urban areas than residents in rural areas.

In detail, about 52 percent of the population live in the city. One of these conditions is because development in rural areas is still not balanced. As a result, the city is still a magnet full of attraction to encourage the pace of urbanization.

The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) estimates that by 2035 the number of people living in urban areas will increase to 66.6 percent.

In fact, according to World Bank projections, the number of Indonesians living in urban areas will reach 70 percent by 2045.

"If it is not anticipated then the resilience of the city will be weaker so that it is no longer able to support the development of the population that grows according to the benchmark series."

"Meanwhile, on the other hand, village life will be left behind in the pace of civilization because development has not been touched," said Bamsoet at the 2024 Indonesian Village Congress in Jakarta.

Bambang Soesatyo further said that this reality should be a foothold in thinking about the urgency of prioritizing village development.

The acceleration of village development, which according to BPS in 2022 has reached 83,794 villages, is a necessity.

Village potential as a food barn has an important contribution in overcoming food insecurity. Indonesia is an agricultural country, where agricultural land can only be found in rural areas.

"We can feel a little relieved because based on data from the Food and Agriculture Agency (FAO), Indonesia has a food security index score of 60.2 and ranks 63rd out of 113 countries."

"This condition is relatively safe. However, we must not forget that food security in 2024 will face major challenges in the midst of global uncertainty conditions, in addition to the impact of extreme climate change and the surge in world energy and food prices," said Bamsoet.

The chairman of the SOKSI Depinas Board of Trustees also emphasized the importance of realizing that village development must be holistical.

Without denial of the importance of physical material development, village development must also not forget the unphysical aspects, such as local wisdom values and national insight.

"In addition to its contribution in supporting food security, villages are a source of civilization that is rich in various local wisdoms."

"The values of mutual cooperation, cooperation, mutual assistance, manners, and respect for social norms are the values of Indonesian identity that have been eroded in urban life. However, they are still growing and developing in rural areas," said Bamsoet.

Finally, Bambang Soesatyo added that the noble values of Pancasila from the village can find real references.

The life of the village community that is attached to divine life, upholds human dignity, is harmonious in togetherness, and full of tolerance and tepa salira is a crystallization of noble values of local wisdom which is an inspiration for the formulation of the Pancasila precepts.

From living in rural areas, learning can also be taken to live together in diversity, where social values have become a habit in the daily life of rural communities.

"Social resilience in the life of the villagers is the forerunner and the national resilience booster node."

"Villages are the smallest set of government units that will become the battle for the integrity of the Republic of Indonesia, as well as the spearhead in preventing and countering the understanding that erodes nationalism values," said the General Chairperson of Pemuda Pancasila and the Deputy Chairperson of the FKPPI.

Meanwhile, also present at the 2024 Indonesian Village Congress were the National Coordinator of United Village M. Asri Anas, the General Chairperson of the DPP Association of Village Governments throughout Indonesia Surta Wijaya, the General Chairperson of the DPP Association of the National Village Consultative Body Indra Utama.

Then, there is also the General Chairperson of the DPP Association of Village Heads throughout Indonesia Irawadi, the General Chairperson of the DPP Association of Members of the All-Indonesian Village Consultative Body Ferry Radiiansyah, the General Chairperson of the Indonesian Village Apparatus Association Moh. Tahrir, the General Chairperson of the Indonesian Village Apparatus Association DPN Widhi Hartono, the General Chairperson of the DPN Nusantara Village People's Association Arya Jaya Wardana, and the General Chairperson of the Purna Bakti Community DPP Village Head and Village Head of All Indonesia Dadang Holilluddin

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