The Indonesian Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) provided 300 tickets for Pelni (Indonesian National Shipping) for free Lebaran 2024 for the Labuan Bajo-Makassar traffic flow on April 21, 2024 through the 2024 Eid Free Transport Ticket Program. "From Makassar, there were also homecoming on April 6, 2024, then from here (Labuan Bajo) to Makassar, there were 300 free tickets," said Head of the Port Authority and Port Authority (KSOP) Class III Labuan Bajo Stephanus Risdiyanto in Labuan Bajo, West Manggarai, East Nusa Tenggara, Saturday. Stephanus Risdiyanto explained that the program was carried out in collaboration with PT Pelni. He said that free homecoming registration can only be done at the Pelni Branch Office counter by bringing self-identification in the form of Identity Cards (KTP).

Meanwhile, family passengers are required to show a Family Card (KK). "Registration has started yesterday and will be closed if the quota of 300 passengers runs out," he said. through this program, the government can help the community during the Eid transportation period. "In addition, to provide equity to all parts of Indonesia in order to experience the government's program of going home for free, one of which is Labuan Bajo," he said.

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