Police Send Three Flood Management Teams In Demak, Central Java
Assistant Chief of Police for Human Resources (As-HR) Inspector General Pol Dedi Prasetyo (doc Police Headquarters)

JAKARTA - The National Police sent three teams to flood-affected areas in Demak, Central Java. They will help ease the burden on the community.

"The humanitarian team that was dispatched as many as 110 personnel was divided into three teams for recovery as well as easing the burden of the suffering of the people affected by the flood due to the breakdown of the Wulan River embankment," said Assistant Chief of Police for Human Resources (As-HR) Inspector General of Police Dedi Prasetyo in his statement, Friday, March 22.

The three teams are trauma healing team and counselors, Dokkes Polri, and disaster response policewomen. The entire team is to support the handling that has been carried out by the Central Java Police.

"Because the duration of the flood is quite long, this trauma healing team will work together, in collaboration with the team already in the Central Java Police to strengthen mentally for the refugees who have an impact," he said.

Meanwhile, the team from the Police Dokkes will cooperate with health workers and medical personnel to help people in need of health assistance.

Meanwhile, the Disaster Response Policewomen team was to help with public kitchen activities located in refugee camps.

In addition to the three teams, the National Police also sent assistance in the form of two ambulances, two counseling cars, and two trucks containing basic material assistance.

"Durasi nanti tergantung pada situasi di sana ya. Kalau situasi di sana masih dibutuhkan kehadiran kita oleh tim yang dari Polda Jawa Tengah dan juga dari pemerintah daerah sana, nanti kita peraturkan. Tahap awal ini baru 3 hari, bisa diperpanjang hingga dengan 7 hari," kata Dedi.

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