The Tarakan Police, North Kalimantan has named seven suspects of double voters who have voted at two different polling stations (TPS) on the People's Wanted List (DPO) by the police, after twice failing to comply with police calls.

"After Bawaslu made a report to the Tarakan Police, we conducted an investigation and found several pieces of evidence and some evidence. There is a permanent voter list, a final voter attendance list and also a special list of voters at TPS 56, TPS 57 and TPS 58," said Head of the Tarakan Police Detective and Criminal Unit (Reskrim) AKP Randhya Sakhthika Putra, quoted by ANTARA, Friday, March 22.

The seven suspects who were DPO were Mas'ud, Suryati, Luthfy Zulkarnaen, Nur Alfin Hasanah, Faridah Al Akhyar, Amriana and Zulkifli.

The incident occurred on D day of the 2024 General Election on Wednesday (14/2) at TPS 57 having its address at Jalan Wijaya Kusuma RT 46, Karang Anyar Village, West Tarakan.

This case emerged after the TPS supervisor found indications of voters who were already registered with other polling stations, but participated in voting at TPS 57.

Investigators matched the Population Identification Value (NIK) and signatures, on the attendance list sheet and DPT from TPS 56, TPS 57 and TPS 58. As a result, the identities of the seven perpetrators were found.

"We matched the NIK, we matched the signature, found identity similarity," said Randhya.

Seven perpetrators are threatened with articles in the electoral law with a penalty of two years in prison. Since D+1 days of voting, the seven perpetrators are no longer at their domicile residence address.

"We have published these perpetrators twice, but they were not present, we finally issued a DPO," he said.

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