JAKARTA - Golkar Party Chairman Airlangga Hartarto responded to the news of the request for a 5 ministerial seat quota to Prabowo Subianto if he was appointed President for the 2024-2029 period. For Airlangga, the most important thing is that the number of ministerial seats for his party is'safe'.

Airlangga Hartarto initially explained that his presence at Prabowo's residence was to break the fast with the elite political parties of the Advanced Indonesia Coalition (KIM) as well as monitor the results of the 2024 presidential election by the KPU.

"This is breaking the fast as well as monitoring the results of the KPU," said Airlangga in Kertanegara, Wednesday, March 20, evening.

Airlangga then responded to his statement asking for a quota of 5 ministerial seats during the internal Golkar Party event in Bali. He asked the public to wait for the official announcement of the KPU.

"It's not official yet, so just wait," he said.

When questioned about the allotment request, Airlangga alluded to the'safe position' for ministerial seats in the Prabowo-Gibran government cabinet.

"The important thing is to be safe," he said.

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