JAKARTA - The price of premium rice has been observed to be unstable at the highest price (HET). Then, the prices of other food commodities such as eggs and meat began to soar. In Jakarta, the DKI Provincial Government has prepared interventions to stabilize the prices of basic commodities.

One of the interventions, according to the Head of the DKI Jakarta Food, Maritime and Agricultural Security Service (DKPKP) Suharini Eliawati, is to ensure food distribution is available in markets.

"The form of intervention from the DKI Provincial Government is to maintain price stability in the community by looking to bring the distribution chain closer to the community. So, people do not need to go far to get food," Suharini told reporters, Tuesday, March 19.

Then, the DKI Provincial Government continuously ensures that food availability in the month of Ramadan until Eid al-Fitr 1445 H remains safe. The current availability of food is said to be more than the food needs over the next week.

Suharini explained that currently the rice stock in Jakarta is 115,905 tons and the needs of Jakarta residents per week are 18,951 tons, chicken egg stocks are 2,338 tons and demand is 2,147 tons per week, and sugar stocks are 2,996 tons and necessities per week are 1,003 tons.

Then, stock of 3,045 tons of beef/cash and needs per week of 1,544 tons, stock of 3,105 tons of chicken meat and needs per week of 2,790 tons, stock of 4,492 tons of cooking oil and needs per week of 2,046 tons.

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