SURABAYA - Deputy Mayor of Surabaya, Armudji, visited the Surabaya City Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) Blood Donation Unit (UDD) after reviewing the implementation of the COVID-19 vaccination at Dr. Soewandhie Regional Hospital. Armudji fulfilled his promise to donate convalescent plasma, to help cure COVID-19 patients.
"Earlier, I had a medical check-up before the convalescent plasma donor. Later, if it passes, the convalescent plasma will be taken. Hopefully, it will pass", said Cak Ji, his nickname, Tuesday, March 2.
Cak Ji admitted that he had planned to donate convalescent plasma since he was still hospitalized. If he recovered from COVID-19 and returned from the hospital, he intends to donate plasma to help cure COVID-19 patients.
"Because this has been my intention since I was in the hospital when I come home and recover, I will donate convalescent plasma. This is to help humanity where residents are affected by the COVID-19", he said.
Therefore, Cak Ji invited other COVID-19 survivors to be willing to become donors to help cure COVID-19 patients through the convalescent plasma donor method.
"This (convalescent plasma) is really very much needed. Therefore I invite residents who have been affected by COVID-19 not to hesitate to help residents affected by COVID-19", he said.
Meanwhile, the Head of UDD PMI Surabaya City, Budi Arifah, stated that currently, the stock of convalescent plasma bags at PMI Surabaya is running low. At least for today, there are still about 100 bags available.
Meanwhile, for equipment needs, UDD PMI Surabaya City has 3 conventional plasma blood donors. Meanwhile, another tool is used for platelet Apheresis donors.
"Earlier, there was news that some had landed at the airport, hopefully in the future (the plasma bag stock) is still safe", said Budi.
The Head of Services and Public Relations of PMI Surabaya's Blood Transfusion Unit (UTD), Martono Adi, added that the convalescent plasma stock at PMI Surabaya is currently around 253 bags. He admitted that the demand for the plasma was very much. "The demand is not only from Surabaya but also from outside the city. Meanwhile, for every day, the number of convalescent plasma donors at PMI Surabaya is only about 25 people", said Martono.
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