Ministry Of Social Affairs Builds Public Kitchen For Flood Victims In Semarang
Photo: Doc. Antara

JAKARTA - The Directorate of Social Protection for Natural Disaster Victims (PSKBA) of the Ministry of Social Affairs synergizes with the Integrated Center Prof. Dr. Soeharso Surakarta, Integrated Center Kartini Temanggung, Sentra Antasena Magelang, Center Margo Laras Pati and Yogyakarta Center for Social Welfare Education and Training (BBPPKS) built a public kitchen for flood victims in Semarang City, Central Java. Secretary General of the Ministry of Social Affairs Robben Rico accompanied by Plt. Director of PSKBA, M. Delmi, and Head of Integrated Center Kartini Temanggung Iyan Kusmadian said that his party had directly reviewed flood conditions in several areas, evacuation posts, as well as the Ministry of Social assistance post on Friday, March 15. We made public kitchens at several points, we have built four public kitchens, but there are several public kitchens that are made independently by residents, we will also help supply needs," Robben Rico said in a release broadcast by the Ministry of Social Affairs in Jakarta, quoted by Antara, Saturday, March 16.

Ia bersama tim juga berkeliling untuk mendistribusikan bantuan langsung kepada masyarakat yang berada di pengungsian, salah satunya di Gedung Serbaguna Universitas Semarang."Tadi sampai jam 3 pagi kita keliling di beberapa tempat, Alhamdulillah, kita sudah supply berupa kasur dan selimut. Harapannya warga bisa beristirahat dengan baik dan nyaman di pengungsian,” ujarnya.Kementerian Sosial telah memberikan total bantuan senilai Rp3,088 miliar bagi korban bencana banjir di Kota Semarang yang dikirimkan dari beberapa Sentra Terpadu, Sentra, BBPPKS dan gudang pusat Bekasi.Sampai saat ini, Kementerian Sosial dengan berbagai pihak masih terus memberikan pelayanan bantuan kepada warga terdampak. Bantuan tersebut sebagai bentuk komitmen Kementerian Sosial dalam membantu korban melewati masa sulit setelah bencana.Salah satu pengungsi, Etty, mengucapkan rasa terima kasihnya karena mendapatkan kasur dan selimut dari pihak Kemensos.“Sebelumnya, tidur hanya dengan alas tikar, sehingga selimut dan kasur ini sangat dibutuhkan untuk membuat tidur lebih nyaman,” kata Etty.

Previously, the city of Semarang was hit by floods after heavy rain accompanied by lightning and strong winds flushed since Wednesday (13/3).

Based on data from the Semarang City BPBD as of March 15, 2024 at 11.00, floods have had an impact on 169,991 residents of the city of Semarang. Overflowing water from the Ungaran area and its surroundings also made the East Flood Canal (BKT) unable to withstand the water discharge so as to also worsen the situation. Severe flood conditions have made some people evacuate to safer places such as mosques, sub-district offices and the Semarang University Multipurpose Building.

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