JAKARTA - The government has again announced an increase in the number of positive patients infected with the coronavirus or COVID-19. There are an additional 35 people who tested positive for the corona virus.

So, in total, there are currently 69 people who have contracted the virus in Indonesia and four of them have died. That means the number of patients treated has doubled from the previous patient.

"The data I have provided are the results of tracing which was carried out since two days ago (Wednesday, March 11). Since we released 34 (cases), until this afternoon," said spokesman for COVID-19 Handling Achmad Yurianto to reporters at the Presidential Palace Complex. , Jakarta, Friday, March 13.

The condition of the 35 patients, currently referred to by Yurianto, is mostly mild to moderate illness, but some of them have moderate to severe illness.

The four people who died were patients with identity number 25 and died on March 11, 2020. He is a foreign citizen (WNA). The other three cases are:

1. Patient with identity number 35 is female and is 57 years old. According to Yurianto, he died because his condition was deteriorating rapidly.

In fact, when she was admitted to the hospital, the woman was already on a ventilator. However, it is not known when this woman was admitted to the hospital and where the hospital was. Tracing has also been carried out by the patient's area of origin.

2. Patient with identity number 36 is female and is 37 years old. Just like the previous case, this woman was admitted to RSPI Sulianti Saroso, Jakarta and was already on a ventilator. He was pronounced dead after his condition rapidly deteriorated.

3. Patient with identity number 50 is male and 59 years old. Similar to the two previous patients, this patient's condition had worsened since Thursday, March 12th. Tracing contact has also been carried out by the local Health Office.

The regions will immediately follow up this data for tracing contact. In addition, to facilitate examination for those under surveillance, the government has collaborated with several other institutions to provide examination laboratories.

"The government has decided that starting Monday, laboratory examinations can be carried out not only at Balitbangkes, but also at BBTKL at Airlangga University, Eijkman Institute, and several other places that are currently conducting job training," said Yurianto.

The BBTKL referred to by Yurianto is the Center for Environmental Health Engineering under the Ministry of Health. Meanwhile, the Eikjman Institute for Molecular Biology is under the Ministry of Research and Technology in Jakarta.

In addition to the patient's death, the government also announced that the number of recovered patients had also increased. After previously three people who were treated at the Friendship Hospital, Jakarta were declared cured, now there are two patients who have been declared cured after receiving treatment at the Sulianti Saroso Infection Center Hospital (RSPI).

They were declared cured after getting negative results in tests carried out twice. "That patients number 01 and number 03 have tested negative twice. This means that numbers 01 and 03 have been allowed to go home," he said.

However, these two patients will still not be discharged, because they are still waiting for the results of the second test from patient number 02. In the previous test, patient number 02 had a negative result and Yurianto believes that this patient will get the same result in the second test. "So that all three, 1,2,3 tomorrow can go home."

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