The Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) handed over the case of the Hand Catch Operation (OTT) of the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) of Karangtengah District, Cianjur Regency Government (Pemkab) with the initials OS to the State Civil Apparatus Commission (KASN).

Coordinator of the Division for Handling Violations and Datin Bawaslu Cianjur Yana Sopyan said, based on the deepening of OS, it was proven guilty.

"OSs that are suspected of promising or giving rewards for money or other materials to voters directly or indirectly during a period of calm, does not meet the elements of Article 523 paragraph (2) in conjunction with Article 278 paragraph (2) of Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning Elections," he said when contacted on Friday, March 15, was confiscated by Antara.

So that based on the findings Number 008 / Reg /TM / PL / District / 13.15 / II / 2024 it was stopped and not forwarded to the police, but based on information and facts sourced from clarification during the study process, the actions of OS as ASN are suspected of violating the provisions of Article 2 letter f of Law Number 20 of 2023 concerning ASN

"Furthermore, the findings of Bawaslu Cianjur forwarded the alleged violation of ASN neutrality to the State Civil Apparatus Commission," he said.

Previously, the Cianjur Bawaslu had completed an examination of the OTT Bareskrim Polri case against ASN in Karangtengah District, Cianjur, which was carried out during a calm period of the 2024 General Election.

"During the process of examining the Cianjur Gakkumdu Center, seven witnesses had been asked for information, consisting of parties related to the OTT case and expert witnesses," said Yana.

The results of the temporary examination of seven witnesses and expert witnesses, it was known that the money found from the hands of OS as a suspect was Rp800,000 and a number of envelopes along with specimens of the candidate's ballot initials AY were personal OS money.

The seven people who had undergone examination, including the AY legislative candidate who was supported by the suspect OS, from AY's statement and the results of the Gakkumdu assessment, will be openly disclosed to the public through an official release.

After the process of examining the fact collection, Gakkumdu consisting of Bawaslu, the police and the prosecutor's office still have to investigate the case to discuss the facts obtained after asking for testimony from witnesses and expert witnesses before imposing sanctions.

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