Mukomuko Farmers Hope The Government Builds Irrigation
Ilistation of Farmers (Between)

MUKOMUKO - Farmers in the Pasar Ipuh Village area, Mukomuko Regency, Bengkulu Province hope that the local government will build an irrigation network to irrigate about 260 hectares of rain fields in their area. "From now on, farmers have hoped that the government will build an irrigation network, but until now there has been no realization," said Pasar Ipuh Village Head, Ipuh District, Anang Topriasyah when met at the Pasar Ipuh Village Office, Mukomuko, Tuesday. He said, an area of 260 hectares of rice fields in the village. Even though the rice fields were in the village, the rice fields belonged to residents spread over six villages in Ipuh District. So far, he said, the farmers in the area relied on rainwater to irrigate rice fields located not far from the coastal estuary in the village.

During the dry season in 2023, he also said, there were a number of farmers in his area who independently used water pump machines to irrigate their rice fields, and there were farmer groups who received water pump machines from the company and the government. "In addition, we from the village also forbid them from converting their rice fields into oil palms," he said. In addition to the awareness of farmers to maintain their land into rice fields, he said, the village government and BPD are currently making a legal umbrella study to protect rice fields in this area. in addition, the village government continues to propose the construction of irrigation networks in rice fields in this area. "We propose local governments to build irrigation networks and provide pumps to suck water from estuarines for the irrigation of rice fields in this area," he also said.

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