The General Election Commission (KPU) of the Republic of Indonesia targets that the recapitulation of the re-voting (PSU) in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, will be completed on Wednesday, March 13, 2024.

Idham, a representative from the KPU, expressed his hope that the process could be completed in one or two days. He mentioned that the recapitulation in Kuala Lumpur will be completed on the targeted date.

In the question of the next step after the recapitulation in Kuala Lumpur, Idham only stated that it would depend on the existing queues. According to KPU Regulation Number 3 of 2022, the recapitulation of the national votes for the 2024 General Election is scheduled to take place from February 15 to March 20, 2024.

The KPU has set a permanent overseas voter list (DPTLN) for PSU in Kuala Lumpur, which reached 62,217 people, consisting of 42,372 TPSLN voters and 19,845 KSK voters.

This figure is obtained from the total voters who attended Kuala Lumpur through three previous voting methods, including those registered in the final voter list (DPT), additional voter lists (DPTb), and special voter lists (DPK).

The total voters for the three methods reached 78 thousand, as a database for updating with three categories, namely validity of addresses, multi-plane analysis, and validity of population identification numbers (NIK) and passport numbers.

The decision to conduct a PSU in Kuala Lumpur was taken after the Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) found administrative violations in the implementation of the 2024 General Election by the Kuala Lumpur Foreign Election Committee (PPLN).

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