The joint SAR team with fishermen in Kupang managed to save 36 residents who were victims of the sinking of an unnamed wooden boat while sailing from Kupang to Kera Island for a vacation.
Head of Operations and Alert of the Kupang Basarnas, Muhdar, said that a number of fishermen were rescued by fishermen and SAR and taken to different locations.
"There are 36 people in total, the SAR team managed to save nine people and was successfully brought ashore using RBB 06,” he said in Kupang, Antara, Sunday, March 10.
Meanwhile, 11 people were rescued by local fishermen to the Oeba Fish Landing Site (TPI), Kupang City, the capital of NTT Province. Meanwhile, 16 people were rescued by Kupang fishermen and taken to Kera Island.
He explained that the wooden ship carrying 36 people to Kera Island was hit by waves with an altitude range of 0.50 meters to 1.25 meters.
There were no casualties in the ship's accident. With the rescue of all passengers on the ship, the SAR operation was stopped
Muhdar appealed to the public to be careful during the rainy season like this. Moreover, there has been a warning from the BMKG about extreme weather that occurred in a number of areas and waters in NTT.
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