The Water and Air Police Unit (Sat Polairud) of the Situbondo Police evacuated three fishermen who experienced the incident of the ship being split into two as a result of being hit by waves of about two meters.

Head of the Situbondo Police, AKP Gede Sukarmadiyasa, said that a fishing boat with three crew members or crew members broke into two parts of the waves when they were about to dock in Kalbut Waters, Semiring Village, Mangaran District.

"These three fishermen were prepared to dock, but suddenly the boat was hit by waves as high as two meters, then sank into two parts," he said in Situbondo, East Java, Saturday, March 9, which was confiscated by Antara.

The three fishermen who were evacuated were Busali (55) as the captain along with two crew members (ABK) namely Asmojo (60) and Sadun (50), all three boarded an unnamed boat to look for fish.

"They went to sea on Saturday, March 9, 2024, at around 05.00 WIB, then when they were about to return to land at around 15:30 WIB they entered the waters of Kalbut and were hit by waves and wind," said Gede.

Satpolairud together with other residents evacuated the three fishermen to the mainland safely, although one of them had to be treated at a nearby hospital.

"Earlier, we were on patrol and monitoring the weather because it was extreme. Many ships and boats were anchored because they were carried away by wind and sea waves," said Gede.

Although there were no casualties in the fisherman's shipwreck incident, as a result of the incident the loss was estimated at around Rp. 30 million, because the boat broke into two parts and the fishing gear was lost by the ocean currents.

Ship owners and boats came to the beach to tighten the anchor rope and tie the boat fast so as not to be carried away by waves or not to collide with other boats.

"We ask fishermen who will go to sea, should be postponed or bring sufficient marine security equipment, due to extreme weather," he said.

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