The Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (PVMBG) reminded the community around Ile Lewotolok Volcano in Lembata Regency, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) because the volcanic eruption activity was still high.

"The evaluation for the period 1 to 7 March still shows high eruption activity and smoke gusts," said Head of the Ile Lewotolok Volcano Observation Post, Jeffry Pugel, quoted by ANTARA, Sabt, March 9.

He said the lava flow to the far southeast was still at a distance of approximately 1.8 km and 600 meters to the south indicating the flow rate of lava was slowing, but supply was still ongoing.

From existing observations, explosive eruptions or eruptions are also still ongoing with the dominant incandescent lava coverage still around the crater area.

He explained that in general the number of earthquakes showed a significant trend of increase, especially for gusts, which indicated volcanic activity was at a shallow magmatic depth.

In addition, shallow volcanic and deep volcanic earthquakes are still recorded, indicating that there is still pressure on the mountain body related to the supply of shallow and deep magmatic fluid.

"Then the deformation data also indicates a change in pressure, although it is not yet significant," he said.

Based on existing evaluations during this period, Jeffry also reminded the public to continue to pay attention to the recommendations issued by PVMBG regarding the mountain, which is now on Alert or Level III status.

He said the recommendation distance for community activities to the south and southeast of the mountain had been reduced from four km to three km.

Communities around Mount Ile Lewotolok as well as climbers or tourists as well as the people of Jontona Village and Todonara Village are advised not to enter and not to carry out activities in these sectoral areas.

"The public also needs to be aware of the potential threat of avalanches or lava avalanches and hot clouds from the south and southeast of the peak," he said.

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