The Constitutional Court Will Immediately Discuss Arsul Sani's Position In Administrative Dispute On Election Results Related To PPP
Judge MK/ANTARA/Fath Putra Mulya/am)

BOGOR - Chairman of the Constitutional Court (MK) Suhartoyo said Arsul Sani's position in handling the General Election Result Dispute (PHPU) case related to the United Development Party (PPP) will soon be discussed at the judge's deliberation meeting (RPH).

Suhartoyo said that the Constitutional Court judges routinely hold RPHs every day, but the RPH is still related to the ongoing case in the Constitutional Court. He did not reveal when the RPH, which discussed Arsul Sani's position, would be held.

"Later on when it's discussed. There will be a spokesperson," Suhartoyo said as quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, March 7.

Head of the Legal Bureau of Administration and Marine Affairs of the Constitutional Court as well as Spokesperson for the Constitutional Court Fajar Laksono said that the RPH was indeed held every day. However, Fajar said that the contents of the RPH agenda are the authority of the judge, so the RPH discussing Arsul Sani's position cannot be ascertained.

"The RPH is held every day, but I don't know the agenda because I do not have access to the RPH. That is entirely the area of the panel of judges," said Fajar.

Meanwhile, Arsul Sani emphasized that he did not want to be involved in the PHPU case related to PPP. Arsul said he had stated the commitment as soon as he was agreed as a constitutional judge.

"Please see my statement when I agree that the DPR will become a judge of the Constitutional Court," Arsul told ANTARA via text message, Thursday night.

Previously, Arsul Sani said he asked the constitutional panel of judges not to involve himself in the requested PHPU or those who sued PPP regarding the results of the Legislative Member Election (Pileg).

"That is to ensure the question earlier, the imparity and independence. So that's what I'm communicating with. I'll just declare it officially later, if it's right, let's say there's a welcome event. That's what I will convey," added Arsul in Jakarta, Wednesday (10/1).

Meanwhile, regarding the PHPU regarding the results of the Presidential and Vice Presidential Elections (Pilpres), Arsul handed it over to the agreement of eight constitutional judges.

"When it comes to the legislative election, it's clear. When it comes to the presidential election, I submit (to eight other constitutional judges), because it's different. Why is it different? If the legislative election is directly involved, for example, especially the applicant, it's the PPP office. But in the presidential election, from the party eyewear, it doesn't exist," he said.

Before being elected as a constitutional judge, Arsul Sani was a member of Commission III of the DPR, Deputy Chairperson of the MPR, and administrator of the PPP DPP. Arsul was proposed by the DPR as a constitutional judge replacing the retired Wahiduddin Adams.

He was inaugurated as a constitutional judge based on Presidential Decree of the Republic of Indonesia Number 102 P of 2023 concerning the Dismissal and Appointment of Constitutional Justices submitted by the DPR. The Presidential Decree is set on October 24, 2023.

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