JAKARTA - A 5-year-old boy was found dead in a house in North Bekasi. The results of the police investigation, the alleged perpetrator with the initials SNF, his biological mother.

"We are still investigating. So (the victim's mother) is still suspected of being the perpetrator," said the Director of General Criminal Investigation at the Metro Jaya Police to reporters in Bekasi, Thursday, March 7.

The death of the 5-year-old boy was discovered when a guest came to the house, Thursday, March 7. However, the alleged perpetrator was not allowed to enter.

The guest, who is a relative of the victim's father, still insisted on entering. At that time, the boy was found injured.

"It was found that there was a victim where the victim was estimated to be around 5 years old. He was injured," he said.

Currently, SNF and several other witnesses have been taken to the Bekasi Police. An intensive examination was carried out to reveal the series of incidents of alleged murder.

"The suspect or perpetrator has been secured at the Bekasi City Metro Police Headquarters. Currently, an investigation is still being carried out for investigation," said Wira.

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