Semarang Mayor Asks New Officials 'Gas Pol Rem Blong': Work Is Right Just Highlighted, Especially Wrong
Semarang Mayor Hevearita Gunaryanti Rahayu During Inauguration And Taking Of Oaths/Promises For Official Positions. new/ANTARA

SemarANG - Semarang Mayor Hevearita Gunaryanti Rahayu asked newly appointed officials to immediately work optimally or "pol gas" along with many homework (PR) waiting.

"Hopefully, today's inauguration will have to be 'gas pol brake failed', yes, the term is because a lot of homework is waiting to be completed," said Ita, Hevearita's nickname, as reported by ANTARA, Thursday, March 7.

This was conveyed by Ita during the Inauguration and Oath-taking/Promise of the Position of Primary High Leadership Officer, Administrator Official, and Supervisory Officer, as well as the Submission of Assignment Letters for School Principals and Heads of UPTD Health Centers in the Semarang City Government Scope.

Ita menyebutkan berbagai PR yang harus segera diselesaikan, antara lain pengendalian inflasi seiring kenaikan harga komoditas baik, penanganan stunting, dan penanganan kemiskinan ekstrem yang membutuhkan perhatian khusus.

Ita also reminded officials to work properly because nowadays along with information disclosure, it is easy for people to monitor what officials are doing.

"Right now, a lot of work is highlighting. Just right work is highlighted, let alone wrong. Therefore, it is important to uphold integrity," said the number one person in Semarang City.

According to him, the inaugurated officials also went through a long and elected process so that it is hoped that it can bring the city of Semarang to be even better in the future.

In fact, Ita said that so far the appointment of officials has been carried out in a transparent manner and invites anyone to feel that they do not fit the position they hold to be honest.

"Tell me. If you feel that someone can't afford it, come here. I'm just open, I want my friends to optimize work and uphold integrity," he said.

Meanwhile, Head of the Semarang City Education and Training Personnel Agency (BKPP) Joko Hartono said there were 156 officials within the local government who were sworn in on the occasion.

"There are five inaugurations for echelon II B officials, seven echelons III A, 14 echelons B, 31 echelons IV A, 46 echelons IV B people. Then 43 school principals and 10 heads of health centers," he said.

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