JAKARTA - Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka's free lunch program has become a polemic because the budget is said to use school operational assistance funds (BOS). Member of Commission X DPR from PDIP has proposed the establishment of a special ministry to take care of this free lunch program.

Deputy Chairman of Commission X of the DPR Hetifah Sjaifudian straightened out the oblique news regarding the budget for the lunch program to annex BOS funds. Moreover, he said, this issue was linked to the statement of the Coordinating Minister for the Economy who is also the General Chair of Golkar Airlangga Hartarto.

According to the member of the Golkar faction, Airlangga's statement was somewhat twisted. Because, he said, the lunch program did not reduce BOS funds but was transferred through the distribution of BOS funds.

"Frankly, there are many provocative actions that could trigger conflict, for example if I was in Commission X. I said earlier, when Mr. Airlangga performed a simulation to be present in Tangerang district, for simulations regarding free lunch (MSG). Then there was a provocation as if the existing BOS funds would be promulgated to finance free lunch," said Hetifah in a discussion of democratic dialects at the DPR building, Thursday, March 7. "That in my opinion is strange. As a leader in commission X, I have to clean it up," he continued.

The legislator for the East Kalimantan electoral district assessed that many parties were affected by the provocation. Both from educational units, teachers and parents.

Hetifah explained that many think that the current BOS funds have not been able to meet all the needs of children's facilities and infrastructure and other needs, suddenly they want to be used for free lunch.

"But actually the situation, the reality is, after I directly check what the actual situation means, it's not like that. Incidentally, the conditions in Tangerang are a simulation, it can be a simulation, and many other areas actually not only free lunch, but also some who give free uniforms, where local governments have the opportunity to innovate," explained Hetifah.

"Well, the scheme that is most likely with transfer funds from the center directly to the school is through the BOS funds. But there is an option to be able to finance," he continued.

Therefore, Hetifah assessed that Airlangga's statement regarding the funding for lunch through BOS funds was somewhat twisted. He also asked members of the DPR to participate in maintaining conduciveness after the 2024 General Election.

"We as DPR must of course be obliged to maintain this conduciveness and not to become a provocateur, for every thing that can actually tend to be hoax news. So the situation is a bit twisted like that," concluded Airlangga's subordinate.

Previously, the Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs and Chair of the Steering Committee of the Prabowo-Gibran National Campaign Team (TKN), Airlangga Hartarto, had tested the free lunch program.

In a trial conducted last week, it was said that the free lunch program would not annex the state budget, but use the BOS budget.

"We propose a funding pattern through the Specific School Operational Assistance or BOS Affirmation specifically to provide lunch for students," said Airlangga before the simulation of a free lunch at SMP Negeri 2 Curug, Tangerang on Thursday, February 29.

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