Spokesperson for the Acting Chairperson of the United Development Party (PPP) Imam Priyono spoke up about the proposed right of inquiry for alleged fraud in the 2024 General Election which was echoed by a number of members of the DPR from the PDIP, PKB, and PKS factions.

According to Imam, PPP is still very focused on the recapitulation of legislative votes because PPP's position is still fluctuating at the parliamentary threshold of 4%.

"Of course we are currently very focused on overseeing the recapitulation of votes, because as we all know the PPP position is still fluctuating on the 4% parliamentary threshold," said Imam, Wednesday, February 6.

It's just that, said Imam, the ranks of the PPP DPP leadership continue to intensely consider the views of the PPP assembly, including the honorary assembly and the panel of considerations regarding the right to inquiry.

"We, in the ranks of the PPP leadership, in particular every day continue to intensely communicate and consider the input of the PPP assembly as a forum for the PPP senior ulama and politicians. As is the view of the chairman of the PPP honorary assembly, KH Zar Kasih Nur, who asked PPP to be wise in seeing the rights of inquiry, in particular highlighting the potential for division of the people," said Imam.

In addition, said Imam, PPP also considered the opinion of senior PPP who assessed the need for rights to inquiry. One of them, he said, was from the Chairman of the Advisory Council of PPP Romahurmuziy.

"However, on the other hand, the view of the Chairperson of the PPP Advisory Council, Mas Romahurmuziy, who said that the right of inquiry still needs to be rolled out to investigate allegations of election fraud, we continue to review these opinions carefully," concluded Imam.

The latest KPU Sirekap results show that PPP is still included in the nine political parties that have passed the 4% parliamentary threshold in the 2024 Legislative Election. However, the final results will be decided on March 20, 2024 when the KPU determines the vote acquisition for legislative elections.

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