Printing In Tambora Burns, Two People Injured
Iustration of firefighters/ Photo: IST

JAKARTA - Two residents of Tambora, West Jakarta, Helmi (19) and Via (25) suffered burns to their legs while struggling with a fire that burned a printing company on Jalan Bandengan Utara 2, RT 06/11, Pekojan Village, West Jakarta, Tuesday, March 5.

"The two victims have been taken to the Puskesmas. The cause of the fire was due to an electrical short on the paper printing machine," said Head of the DKI Jakarta Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) Isnawa Adji to VOI, Tuesday, March 5, evening.

The fire incident was discovered by a printing company employee who saw a short circuit from a paper printing machine.

The fire then climbed into the flammable. Because of panic, employees and local residents contacted West Jakarta firefighters.

"Losses are estimated at IDR 2 billion," he said.

This fire incident was handled by the Tambora Police. The police are also still looking for statements from witnesses related to the fire.

Tambora Police Chief, Kompol Donny Agung Harvida said his party was still investigating the fire incident.

"Still under investigation," he told VOI.

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