Allegedly Drunk, An Angkot Driver In Ciputat Trying To Escape After Crashing Into A Furniture Shop
The driver of the S10 angkot is surrounded by residents after hitting a furniture shop/ Photo: IST

TANGERANG Allegedly drunk, a city transportation driver (angkot) crashed into a furniture shop on Jalan WR Supratman, Ciputat, South Tangerang (Tangsel), Tuesday afternoon, March 5.

The alleged drunk driver was strengthened by residents around the scene.

"Yes, this afternoon. The driver was drunk," said Andi when met at the location, Tuesday, March 5.

Andi told that the incident began when the S10 angkot was traveling from Pondok Ranji to Ciputat, South Tangerang.

When he arrived at the scene, the angkot hit a furniture shop. As a result, many items in the store were damaged.

"The window is damaged. The damaged goods, buckets and pots are damaged. Fortunately, there are no buyers," he said.

After the incident, the angkot driver tried to escape. However, the residents were arrested and finally beaten by the masses.

Luckily, the police came to the scene. The car and angkot driver were successfully secured.

"Secured by the police. The car and the driver were taken by the police," he concluded

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