Sidewalks In Cempaka Putih Rise Illegal Parking, Pedestrian Rights And Disabilities Are Exhausted
Joint officers give sanctions for removing pentiles for motorbikes that violate the rules/ Photo: IST

JAKARTA - Dozens of two-wheeled vehicles that often park on the sidewalk along Jalan Cempaka Putih Tengah, Cempaka Putih Timur Village, Central Jakarta, are subject to sanctions to remove tire pinters from joint officers.

After getting a lot of complaints from residents, the officers also carried out control of the protest operation (OCP) against two-wheeled vehicles that were still desperate to park on the sidewalk.

"We have ordered 63 two-wheeled vehicles because they parked not in the right place. We are doing OCP," said Head of the Operations Control Section of the Central Jakarta Transportation Agency, Haryo Bagus.

This activity is carried out in the context of an orderly month of sidewalks. The activity aims to sterilize sidewalks that are occupied by street vendors and illegal parking.

"We are jointly controlling the sidewalks," he said.

In addition to controlling motorbikes, joint officers also control street vendors and illegal huts. Violators are given light criminal sanctions against violators who build buildings and street vendors.

Meanwhile, drivers caught in illegal parking are subject to OCP sanctions by Transportation Sub-department officers. This control activity is expected to have a deterrent effect so that it no longer violates and occupies sidewalks.

In addition to violating the rules, their existence has seized pedestrian rights and disability groups.

"Don't grab the sidewalks intended for pedestrians and disabilities," he said.

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