JAKARTA - The Head of Public Relations of the East Java Police (Jatim) Police Commissioner Dirmanto stated that 10 victims of the explosion at the Gegana Satbrimob Subden Jibom Office who were being treated at Bhayangkara Hospital would be discharged today. "God willing, today these 10 victims can be sent home, because according to analysis from the team of doctors and X-rays have been carried out and in-depth examinations are not significant and only traumatic," said Dirmanto in Surabaya, Tuesday, March 5, quoted by Antara. Dirmanto ensured that there were no additional victims in the explosion incident. Meanwhile, the warehouse that is the location of the explosion is currently in the process of cleaning and sterilizing. "There are items that need to be secured and still sterilized there," said the officer with three jasmines on his shoulders.

He emphasized that he would move the storage warehouse, especially the area far from the settlement. "The police chief has said that this building is an old building, yes, in 1951, then behind it it it was renovated into a temporary warehouse for handak storage (explosives) to be disposal, this will be carried out thoroughly," he said. Previously, the East Java Regional Police Chief Inspector General Imam Sugianto said the explosion at the Subden Jibom Office of the East Java Regional Police Satbrimob Detachment (Polda) caused 10 police personnel to be injured. "I make sure there were no dead victims, so only 10 victims were injured," said the East Java Police Chief to reporters, after reviewing the location of the explosion, Monday, March 4.

Imam menjelaskan para korban mengalami luka lantaran terkena serpihan kaca bangunan imbas ledakan tersebut.Saat ledakan terjadi para petugas sedang melaksanakan kegiatan latihan olah TKP pascaledakan di ruangan yang berjarak sekitar 10 meter dari lokasi ledakan utama atau di gudang penyimpanan bahan peledak.Kapolda memastikan seluruh personel kepolisian yang menjadi korban ledakan pagi tadi sudah mendapatkan perawatan intensif di fasilitas kesehatan milik kepolisian."Alhamdulillah sudah ditangani Rumah Sakit Bhayangkara dan tidak ada yang serius. Kami inapkan agar kondisinya bisa dilakukan observasi," ujarnya.

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