NAGAN RAYA - The case that dominated the Suka Makmue Sharia Court (MS), Nagan Raya Regency, Aceh Province from 2022 to 2023 was a case of rape and sexual harassment.

This was stated by the spokesman for the Suka Makmue Sharia Court, Anase Syukriza in Nagan Raya, as reported by ANTARA, Monday, February 4.

"The average sentence that we impose on the accused rapist is a minimum of 150 months in prison or a maximum of 200 months in prison," he said.

The court's decision to try the violators of Islamic law, Anase, said that it was in accordance with Article 50 of Qanun (Regional Regulation) Number 6 of 2014 concerning Jinayat Law.

In fact, Anase added, in deciding every rape case in court, the panel of judges was still guided by the Supreme Court Circular (SEMA), namely that the perpetrators of rape should indeed be sentenced to imprisonment.

In deciding every case that is tried in the court/Sharia Sharia Court Suka Makmue, the panel of judges still refers to the facts of the trial and in accordance with the demands of the public prosecutor (JPU) in each case that is tried.

In 2023, Anase explained, his party tried 11 cases related to violations of Islamic law, including seven cases (cases) of rape, two cases of khalwat, one case of sexual harassment, and one case of gambling (judi).

Meanwhile, in 2022, the judiciary will also accept and try 11 cases, including four cases of rape committed by adults, two cases committed by minors.

Then three cases of gambling, as well as two cases of sexual harassment, while in the first quarter of 2024, the institution has only received registration for one case of sexual harassment.

Anase also explained that most of the rape cases, which were tried at the judiciary, were sentenced to a minimum of 150 months in prison and a maximum of 200 months in prison, taking into account the facts of the trial and the prosecutor's demands.

The heavy sentence imposed on each defendant is in accordance with the legal rules for the application of Islamic law in force in Aceh Province.

In addition, the severity of the prison sentence imposed on each rape defendant is expected to provide a deterrent effect, not to repeat his actions and teach the wider community so that it is not easy to commit a criminal act of rape.

"On average, the perpetrators of rape who have been tried have been carried out by someone close to the victim or have made friends with the victim, or someone who has been known to the victim," explained Anase.

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