Gerindra The Value Of The Constitutional Court's Decision Changes The Threshold Of Parliament 4 Percent Must Be Realistic
Deputy Chairperson of the Gerindra Party, Habiburokhman. (Photo: Doc. Antara)

JAKARTA - The Gerindra Party respects the decision of the Constitutional Court (MK) regarding the DPR threshold or a parliamentary threshold (PT) of 4 percent must be changed before the 2029 General Election. However, Gerindra assessed that the percentage of new PT must be realistic. "We respect the Constitutional Court's decision, if indeed the 4 percent threshold must be changed before 2024, we will change it," said Deputy Chairperson of the Gerindra Party, Habiburokhman, Saturday, March 2.

According to Habiburokhman, the number of DPR members in one party must be the same as the number of council or AKD equipment in Parliament. Do not let, he said, there are members who concurrently hold positions in AKD.

"In my opinion, the number of DPR members from one party must be at least the same as the number of council equipment (AKD), which currently has a total of 17," explained Habiburokhman.

"Because the AKDs hold other meetings and agendas at the same time. Do not let the AKD work agenda be hampered because its members are concurrently members of other AKDs," he continued.

Wakil Ketua Komisi III DPR itu pun mencontohkan format penggabungan partai ke dalam satu fraksi seperti di DPRD. Dia menyebut, penggabungan format itu tidak efektif. "Format penggabungan partai menjadi satu fraksi seperti terjadi di DPRD terbukti tidak efektif, karena arahan pimpinan partai politik bisa berbeda satu sama lain," kata Habiburokhman.

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