The State Civil Apparatus Commission (KASN) revealed that around 400 State Civil Apparatus (ASN) were reported to have violated neutrality during the 2024 General Election (Pemilu) nationally.

"If the data from ASN monitoring until yesterday period we have around 400 for violations of ASN neutrality. Mostly in Sulawesi," said Assistant for KASN 2 Supervision for Application of Basic Values, Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct of ASN, and Netrality of ASN, Maria Ivonne Tarigan, in Bandung, Wednesday, February 28.

Of the 400, continued Maria, as many as 143 ASN were proven to have violated and have been recommended to Civil Service Development Officers (PPK) in each ASN agency, with around 70 percent being followed up.

"Many have been sanctioned, according to the rules of the game, the staffing officer or head of the agency or regional head must follow up, thank God the figure is also quite good. The PPK is following up on the recommendations of KASN," he said.

Maria said, there are three categories of violations, namely light, medium and severe with different sanctions.

For the category of minor violations, said Maria, it usually occurs when the nomination for the 2024 election and is given a moral sanction to make an apology. Meanwhile, when it is confirmed that there will be a candidate for the 2024 election contestation, the category of punishment becomes moderate to severe.

"The punishment has been regulated in the PP regarding the discipline of ASN. One of them is for example a demotion, then until perhaps dismissal with respect," he said.

The types of violations of ASN neutrality in the 2024 General Election are dominated by ASN's alignment on social media, such as by providing likes, comments, shares and so on.

"Maybe things that have been taken lightly but based on the rules of the game that have been built that have been set by the center, are included in the violation," he said.

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