JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) ensures that allegations of illegal levies (extortion) of detention houses (regions) will be resolved. This case is recognized to tarnish their names and disrupt the eradication of riots in the country. KPK continues to be committed to increasing the integrity of all its employees, one of which is through the implementation of the decision of the KPK Council of Ethics, said KPK Head of the News Section Ali Fikri to reporters quoted on Wednesday, February 28. Cases of violation (related to extortion, ed) in the KPK Detention Center are serious things that tarnish our good name and hinder efforts to eradicate corruption, he continued.'' One of the efforts to ensure extortion is thoroughly investigated, said Ali, not only carrying out ethical trial decisions but also investigating allegations of corruption. This assumption has been agreed in the case title to go up to the investigation process,'' he stressed. However, Ali has not been able to detail the suspect in this case. This is because the administrative process is still unfinished. The completion of the investigation administration is first to announce the KPK officially,' said Ali.. Previously reported, 90 employees were declared to have violated ethics because they were involved in illegal levies practices. Of that number, 78 employees were sanctioned in the form of apologizing publicly before the leadership to the Secretary General of the KPK on Monday, 26 February.'

While the other 12 were handed over to the KPK Inspectorate because they participated in extortion practices before the Supervisory Board was formed. Not only that, the Deputy for Enforcement and Execution of the KPK is currently investigating this case. In total there are more than 10 suspects who have been named in the alleged extortion.

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