The General Elections Commission (KPU) recorded 1,113 polling stations (TPS) holding voting after the D-day or February 14, 2024.

KPU chairman Hasyim Asy'ari said there were various obstacles experienced by the 1,113 polling stations, including administrative problems, weather, logistics, and security. This makes voting must be done after the predetermined day.

"So, the total polling stations that have carried out re-voting (PSU), follow-up voting (PSL), and subsequent voting (PSS) are 1,113," said Hasyim at the KPU Office, Jakarta, Tuesday, February 27, which was confiscated by Antara.

He detailed that the PSU process had been carried out at 738 polling stations, PSL at 117 polling stations, and PSS at 258 polling stations. The regions that carry out re-voting, continued, and aftershocks are spread across 38 provinces, 229 districts/cities, 430 sub-districts, as well as 560 villages/kelurahan.

The implementation will start from 15-27 February 2024.

Previously, Wednesday, February 21, the Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) issued a recommendation for 780 polling stations (TPS) to collect and/or re-voting (PSU).

In addition, as many as 132 polling stations are recommended to carry out further voting and/or vote counting (PSL) as well as 584 polling stations holding follow-up voting/or vote counting (PSS).

Thus, Bawaslu as a whole issued recommendations for 1,496 polling stations, which can be done no later than ten days after voting day on February 14.

"This recommendation was issued to guard the purity of voters' voting rights and the use of voting rights at polling stations, the purity of ballots at polling stations, and the purity of vote count data at polling stations in the 2024 election," said member of the Indonesian Bawaslu Lolly Suhenty in a statement received in Jakarta, Tuesday 27 February.

However, Hasyim had said that the KPU would consolidate with Bawaslu regarding the difference in numbers. The KPU will also order its ranks in provinces, districts/cities, including ad hoc bodies to be studied.

"If the recommendation is accurate, factual, then carry it out. But if the results of the study say otherwise, then convey it to Bawaslu who issued the recommendation letter," said Hasyim during a press conference at the Indonesian KPU Office, Jakarta, Friday, February 23.

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