JAKARTA - The National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia (ANRI) is designing a study center for the 2nd President of the Republic of Indonesia Suharto's archive. Currently, ANRI collects narratives and data from the Suharto family.

"AnRI leadership in 2017 made the decision to first build a presidential archive study center for Ir. Soekarno, Mr. Nation, and this year, we have prepared for the second President, where we are designing roughly what the narrative looks like, we have also started to contact the second President's family," said Acting Head of ANRI Imam Gunarto in an online discussion in Jakarta, Monday, February 26, confiscated by Antara.

Imam conveyed this in the discussion of oral history as a source of history and documentary material about President Soekarno, who also invited the son of the first President, Guruh Soekarnoputra.

Imam said, through the President Soeharto's study center, it is hoped that the public can learn in full about the Presidents of Indonesia, and for academics, learning facilities about the presidency can be narrated for state policies that flow from the first President to the last President.

"This is very good to support the national development sustainability process, because there is not a single President who does not intend to be holy to build a country, and it is recorded in his policies," he said.

He explained that ANRI has a program on presidential archives since 2013, which has been designed and designed in such a way that people can learn about the Presidents in Indonesia, including from the last President, Joko Widodo.

"Of all the Presidents, President Soekarno, the source has never been explored, so in all places both at home and abroad, evidence of Bung Karno's struggle continues to flow, there is continued. Every time we visit friendly countries, there is always a story about Bung Karno," he said.

Imam hopes that the important documentation or archives that are still stored in the residence of the President's family can be submitted to ANRI, and if there is a very strong personal bond, it can be registered as a collective memory of the nation first.

"It can be stored in a private place, but the information control process can be carried out together with ANRI, if there is something that needs to be digitized or repaired, we are ready to help," he said.

He also stated that ANRI had certified a very important archive, namely an archive on the pattern of planned universe development, which was one of the results of President Soekarno's thoughts which was ordered by Muhammad Yamin, who at that time served as the National Design Council (Depernas).

"This certification produces 17 volumes of the first State Policy Lines (GBHN) of the Republic of Indonesia, when certified, we present the leadership of the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR)," said Imam.

Imam said that the certification involved the MPR to be followed up immediately so that the archive on the planned universe would become a muruah and inspiration to formulate a strategic plan (restra) for the Republic of Indonesia in 2025-2029, which aims to ensure that Indonesia's development can continue from the roots to date.

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