JAKARTA - The police, supported by the Myanmar military, again carried out repressive actions against the anti-coup demonstration, Saturday, February 27 local time. Myanmar police and military have opened fire throughout the day to break up protests in major cities across Myanmar.

A woman was shot in the center of Monwya City and was named dead. However, ambulance service officials said the woman was being treated in hospital. Meanwhile, dozens of protesters were again injured and detained.

Since Saturday morning, the police, supported by military personnel, have been mobilizing massive force. In the main city of Yangon, police take up positions at regular protest sites and detain people as they gather. Meanwhile, a number of journalists were detained, said the eyewitness as reported by Reuters.

The crowd shouted and sang then scattered into streets and buildings as police advanced, firing tear gas, detonating stun grenades and firing guns into the air, witnesses said.

"People protested peacefully but they threatened us with guns," said youth activist Shar Yamone.

"We are fighting to end this military oppression that has been going on for generations," he continued.

Several protesters threw barricades across the street. The crowd eventually ran out, but police in Yangon were still pursuing groups of mobs and assisting medics, shooting into the air in the late afternoon. Myanmar police detained many people throughout the day and attacked some with batons.

Similar scenes took place in the second city of Mandalay and other cities, witnesses and media said. Among those detained in Mandalay was Win Mya Mya, one of two members of the Muslim parliament for Suu Kyi's National League for Democracy (NLD), media said.

Aye Aye Tint, a protester in downtown Monwya said police had fired water cannons as they surrounded the crowd.

Myanmar Military Leader General Min Aung Hlaing said the authorities had used minimal force. Nevertheless, at least three protesters have died during the days of chaos. The army says one policeman was killed in the previous violence.

Meanwhile, the Twitter account @ kyawwin78 posted a number of pictures showing the repressive actions of the Myanmar police and military. Ironically, medical personnel were also targets of violence. In fact, a policeman was seen pointing his gun at a frightened female medic.

This day-long violence came after Myanmar's Ambassador Kyaw Moe Tun said he was speaking on behalf of Suu Kyi's government and asked for help at the UN General Assembly on Friday.

"We need the strongest possible action from the international community to end the military coup immediately," he said.

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